Created in the year 1807 and named after French phrase la pointe coupée or in English, the cut-off point, which refers to a bend in the Mississippi River, the Parish of Pointe Coupee has an area of 591 sq mi . Over 22K people with enriched racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others with more than 8K households and 6K families exist in this place. New Roads is the Parish seat and the biggest city of this Parish.
At present Pointe Coupee Parish records directory simply gathers the desired data over the net. Find the most required information on ancestral SSN, property deeds, immigration details, military service, civil court data, death news, civil war particulars, civil court data, divorce decree information, census and marriage reports, birth history, probates and loads of other interesting clues instantly at an ease. Thus to satisfy all your needs, this website is retained and coordinated regularly while supplying authentic facts and facets.